Re: greetings!
From: lojeck <lojeck@b...>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 12:08:53 -0400
Subject: Re: greetings!
(I was asked what I use for figures)
> > I'm dismantleing my epic army as I speak (type).
> Dismantling? Not physically, I hope...?
if I need to. I plan to have a LOT in infantry, and since
a: the basing is different for some squads
b: I need to stretch my guys a little further then in epic
c: I mounted all my guys on an inverted epic base (no holes to
screw with)
(that sounds
pretty bad...)
I may well debase a bunch of them...
the main reason, is that my epic group and my
dirtside/legionsofsteel/whatareweplayingtoday group are two different
folks, and I ain't played epic in MONTHS.
Brian Lojeck
"This is the .sig that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends.
Some people started reading it, not knowing what it was; but now that
been reading it, they notice it because... This is the .sig that never