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Re: HELP!!!!

From: Stuart Ford <sford@v...>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 14:31:22 -0400
Subject: Re: HELP!!!!

Mark A. Siefert wrote:
> Hello fellow thrusters:
>	  Today I was in the process of downloading a cew new images and
> that would change the face of the UFTWWWP forever when I got the most
> annoying message.  I am out of disk space.
>	  After trying to get more space from the university (they
wouldn't give
> me so much as a kilobyte more) I discovered that I have only two
> options.  Either I start dumping stuff or I find someone who can
> archieve some of the larger files.  If anyone out can tell me where I
> can put some of this stuff please E-Mail



I'd be happy to help, have a bunch of space available for files and this
would be in line for my site upgrade anyway... please mail me back with
info on how much space you need and any other requirements.

Stuart Ford

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