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Re: Star Trek Tech Questions

From: ericski@m... (Eric Fialkowski)
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 12:01:00 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Trek Tech Questions

>The problem with designing rules for Star Trek, is that nothing is ever
>explained in detail, and what details are shown aren't always
>consistent. My advice for doing a set of Star trek ships and rules is
>to either:
>1) Design for effect. Write rules that will _feel_ like STar Trek to
>_you_. That's what Mark Kochte did with his Babylon 5 rules.
>2) Find a set of existing Star Trek rules and use that as a yardstick
>for comparing ships and weapons. Either FASA's old set of rules, or
>Star Fleet Battles would work fine.
>Either way, you end up with a (relatively) original set of rules that
>you and your friends will like.

I agree.  Its too hard to write hard and fast rules for a dramatic
Unless you want to add a "Random Dramatic
Makes-no-sense-why-they-are-going-this" table, you can't fully recreate
of the things that happen in Star Trek.
    +------------+	       +----------------+
   +		 Eric Fialkowski	       +
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