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RE: Babylon 5 Miniatures/Rules Manufacturers.

From: ngilsena@i...
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 1996 07:50:09 -0400
Subject: RE: Babylon 5 Miniatures/Rules Manufacturers.

> Date: 	 Tue, 24 Sep 1996 16:45:08 +0100
> From: 	 Adam Delafield <>
> Reply-to:
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:	 RE: Babylon 5 Miniatures/Rules Manufacturers.

 > As luck would have it, I was just looking at the Babylon 5 Wars page
> Although the minis will be useful (provided the scale is OK) The game
> set to be a hex based game, with at least 6 supplements already
> (and you thought GW were bad).

Theres a role-playing game coming out too.  Not from the same people 

 > So I plan to buy the ships, but ignore the game. However, looking at
> prices, the ships won't be in scale, or nearly large enough. So
> its time to get the plasticard and balsa out.

What size are the ships going to be?  I didn't see any reference to 
it the last time I looked.  Are they likely to be the same size as 
the micro-machine B5 ships? 

Talking of which, have any of you in the U.K seen the new B5 
micro-machines yet?  I certainly can't find them in Ireland yet. 
Uusally when the U.K has them so do we.

> +-------------------------------------+--------------------+
> | Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	| Bolton Institute,  |
> |					| Eagle Tower,	     |
> | E-mail :		| College Way,	     |
> | Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	     |
> | Fax    : +44 1204 399074		| BL3 5AE.	     |
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------+ 
Niall Gilsenan
Dublin Institute of Technology,
Cathal Brugha St,

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