I bought it!
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 04:19:08 -0400
Subject: I bought it!
John Skelly writes:
@:) I've played and seen a couple of games. These have tended to
@:) be all against one or everyone for themself. Has anyone played a
@:) large fleet versus fleet action? If so how long and how many on
@:) each side?
I've played those. My group has run several campaigns which for
various reasons boiled down to one big fight right at the beginning.
So we've had some pretty large battles. Probably the biggest worked
out to about three capital ships, six cruisers and fifteen escorts per
side. That kind of a battle will take forever (12+ hours) to resolve,
and it really isn't what FT was designed for. We have gone to great
lengths to try to promote small battles in our newest campaign, but
since we haven't started it yet I can't tell you whether we've been