Re: Fighter Numbers/Regroup Option
From: Mike Miserendino <phddms1@c...>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 13:50:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Fighter Numbers/Regroup Option
Sam wrote:
>Split a group into six groups of one fighter. The first fighter
>attacks the enemy group, and is probably destroyed (unless I'm
>rolling the dice for the enemy, in which case he survives). But,
>the enemy have lost one turn of endurance, plus can only destroy
>at most one of your fighters. Next turn, you send in your second
Well, the example was indicative of one turn. A larger group would have
odds in their favor in the one turn, unless the fighter type was Attack
something. Over the period of multiple turns, plenty can happen. More
defenses might come into bear by even the second turn.
>Of course, having witnessed this tactic once, the enemy then splits
>all its groups into single fighters. So no benefit is gained by
>either side, and the game runs a lot slower because we now have
>six times as many fighter groups to move.
Time for new tactics. ;)
>I think it's probably best to say that fighter groups must have
>six fighters (minus those lost to combat of course). Keeps things
It's probably a good idea to keep it simple, but one of the best parts
of FT
is the ability to modify it for your own taste. I think it would be fun
try regrouping options in the future, at least once. BTW I originally
suggested to regroup, not break up a squadron(assuming this would be
done at
the start - smaller squadrons on a ship or squadrons with losses). Part
the idea was to keep it simpler.
Mike Miserendino