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Re: Re[2]: Star Wars Full Thrust

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 12:34:31 -0400
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Star Wars Full Thrust

Excerpts from FT: 28-Aug-96 Re[2]: Star Wars Full Thrust by
> Well, we're getting off topic, but in the original TIE Fighter game
(ie - no
> addons) the TIE Interceptor does not have ion cannons. The TIE
Defender and
> Assault ship do, though, but they also come with shields.  In the last
> of the campaign I did take out a SD with a Defender. Somewhat
difficult, but not
> impossible, once the starfighters defending it were taken out.

Um... I took out *lots* of SDs with the various Rebel ships... anything
they can do, I'm sure the TIE/Def can do better.  That was a *monster*
of a ship....

> So, to get back to FT, anyone got any ideas for stats for the

Egads.	If I were to stay true to the game, I'd say you have to try &
hit it like a fighter but it has damage boxes like... I dunno, a
destroyer at the least.  I'm sorry but that was just one *way* overblown

		    Aaron Teske 

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