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RE: IRe: More ideas on B5

From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@b...>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 04:30:23 -0400
Subject: RE: IRe: More ideas on B5

Date sent:  22-AUG-1996 09:10:45 

>> I've just been looking at those great counter sheets (Something to
>> 'test' our new colour printer 8-)  ) and have been inspired to
>> rework some ideas on weaponry in B5.
>> Try these for size. (Shields are totaled, fractions rounded down,
>> max 3)
>> PDAF. Normal rules OR 0.5 shields 360
>> ADAF. Normal rules OR 1 shields 360 OR 1 die vs ships within 6"
>> C.	 Normal rules OR 0.5 shields in specific arc OR anti fighter
>>				       (needs a 5 or 6 to kill 1
>> B.	 Normal rules OR 0.5 shields in specific arc
>> A.	 Normal rules OR 0.5 shields in specific arc
>	I don't know if I like the idea of the heavier beam batteries
>used as interceptors.	I don't think it has been done in the series
>(correct me if I am wrong).

OK. The Churchill and Agamemnon used their heavy forward batteries to
defend against incoming fire from the Arippa and Rowanoak.

>> Weapons may fire through any three (or fewer) adjacent arcs, with
>> the exception of *daf which fire through 360 (as they represent
>> multiple smaller guns)

>	No problem here.
>	I love the idea of arc specific interceptors.  It

>> Big beam weapon.

>> Only one per ship max.

>	Only one?  The Omegas carry a pair of beam cannons in front and
four in
>the rear.  They can fire one at a time or together.  The Hyperion
>cruisers (at least the current versions) carry at least one. 

The system represents power shunts and barrels. The limiting factor is
power. So only one power system per ship, that can be discharged through
any of the available barrels. Forward only on a cruiser, Forward or Aft
on a Capital. I'm one of those people who tends away from the idea that
each gun has to be represented by a separate system.

>	Declare fire before movement!  What fun is that?

It's to force people to think rather than blast away as soon as the
beam is charged.
>	I don't think I can buy the interceptor vs. beam idea.	IMHO the
>should be able to cleave through a low tech interseptor screen without
>much trouble.	I am sure the the Minbari, Vorlons and Shadows can offer
>up some defense.

Others have already mentioned how useless even a powerful laser is in an
atmosphere due to attenuation. The plasma cannons can be treated as
the defending ships own portable atmosphere. Ooo look, we've just been
hit by a big red spotlight 8-). But seriously, the dialogue suggests
that intercepting beams is possible. And the range of engagement
it's not only possible, but common and simple.
>> A ship that fires a BREW can not fire any other weapons in the same
>> fire arc (Front or Rear). Note that although the weapon itself can
>> only target in a 45 arc, the entire 90 arc is off limits, for both
>> offensive and defensive fire (so shield factor is ZERO)

>	How do you figure that?

Local power drain. Interfearance from the cannon preventing tracking
from working. Forces player to think REAL HARD before firing. In fact
being generous, as the material we have available suggests that no other
weapons fire while the beam is discharging.


| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	      | Bolton Institute,  |
|				      | Eagle Tower,	   |
| E-mail :	      | College Way,	   |
| Phone  : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK.	   |
| Fax	 : +44 1204 399074	      | BL3 5AE.	   |

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