Re: hyperspace (was: cloaking device rules)
From: starwarsnut@j... (Paul A Neher)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 12:20:54 -0400
Subject: Re: hyperspace (was: cloaking device rules)
On Tue, 20 Aug 1996 15:24:36 -0400 (EDT) Mike Miserendino
<> writes:
>If I use FTL in a FT scenario, I plan to incorporate the FT rules to
>simulate that chance of failure when making a hasty departure,
>otherwise players might abuse FTL if it was too easy.
Unfortunately, it doesn't do Star Wars justice. I look to the
preparations for the last battle in ROTJ ... 36 fighters FTL in very
close proximity, followed hotly by 25 frigates, cruisers and capitol
ships ...then all emerge almost all on top of one another. In SW, I know
the main thing is no massive gravitic bodies in your flight path ...
that's why Interdictor cruisers work so well.
We had a battle where a rebel transport was being attacked and it went
FTL ... in FT terms it took forever (2 turns) ... but in SW, they warm
and zooooom ... c'ya.
Any ideas?