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Cool Counters

From: timj@u...
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 09:57:50 -0400
Subject: Cool Counters

Mike Wikan

--While I do have an incredibly solid modeling program (3DSMAX) The 
--counters are just plain old photoshop drawn art with a couple "leg 
--ups" from captured images from the series (White Star, Shadows).

You are then a talented artist (envy :-). Does photoshop have features
to assist 
in making the counters so nice - I am particularly impresssed by the
lens flare 
effects / shadows and highlights - how do you do that?

--I am working on the Rebel Mon Cal cruisers to add to the SW counter

Excellent, the SW sheet is also cool - any chance of some Interdictor

I would be interested on some tips some time, as I'm sure you don't have
time to 
do counters for Star Trek & Honor Harringtion you?

In addition how do people use the B5/SW M. Wikan counters, I think I'm
going to 
laminate mine using the laminate your own sheets from the office
suppliers with 
black backing paper. Ayone else got some input?


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