Honor Harrington: Ideas for conversion?
From: "Mark A. Siefert" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 23:32:31 -0400
Subject: Honor Harrington: Ideas for conversion?
Helloooooo Everybodyyyyyyy (I am in a Grover kind of mood):
Following the positive reviews I got about this series on this
list, I have started reading the "Honor Harrington" series by David
Weber. Right now, I am 1/4 of of the way through "On Basilisk Station"
and from what I have read so far Full Thrust conversion will be
difficult at best. I have a rundown of the technology I have seen so
far. Feel free to add on or to correct me if I am wrong.
The ships use gravitic proplusion to manuver in both "n-space"
and to
enter hyperspace or a wormhole. It would appear that ships follows
realistic vector movment rather than the popular "airplanes-in-space"
style of travel.
In the "Harrington" universe a military ship's drive field
creates a
"impeller wedge:" an impenetrable barrier above and under the ship
leaving the bow, stern, port and starboard open. The front and rear can
not be protected, but the flanks are covered by a "sidewall" shield.
The sidewalls are by no means as strong as the wedges and can be
Missiles: These seem to the primary "long range" weapon of the
"Harrington" Universe.
Lasers & Grasers (Gamma Ray Lasers I assume): These weapons
seem to be
most effective at short range. Given how energenic gamma rays are, I
would think that these would be more powerful than a run-of-the-mill
Energy Torpedos: Quick firing, devasting against unscreened
but are somewhat ineffective against sidewalls and they have a very
short range.
Grav Lance: Great for bringing down sidewalls, but in takes up
a lot
of space, has very limited range, and is slow to load.
Any ideas?