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Re: hyperspace (was: cloaking device rules)

From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 10:46:38 -0400
Subject: Re: hyperspace (was: cloaking device rules) writes:
@:) Or, perhaps there is a minimum duration of the FTL effect, given
@:) that it takes some time to fully form the warp bubble/convert all
@:) the matter into a tachyon beam/break through reality. The effect
@:) could be doubling each turn beginning immediately, but could not
@:) be stopped for say, 4 turns (say two turns to power everything up,
@:) and thus turns to shut it back down and return to normal
@:) space-time).

  Hm.  I think the idea of not being able to do stuff while your ship
is decellerating is good.  However, I can't think of any good
justifications.  Warp bubbles, tachyon beams and breaking through
reality are all well and good but to me, that's not what FTL means.
To me, FTL means going really fast.  I don't know if it even means
going faster than light - who cares?  All you have to do is get
yourself going _really_fast_ and you'll get away from the people who
are shooting at you.  That's what FTL means to me.  Getting away from
the people who are shooting at me.  So while I like the idea of
minimum times for the effect, or the idea that the effect continues
not only during the acceleration phase but also during the
decelleration phase, I can't justify it enough to actually use it.


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