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Re: Gone to GenCon

From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@d...>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 11:53:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Gone to GenCon

On Wed, 14 Aug 1996, Allan Goodall wrote:
> Also, as mentioned, there weren't as many deals this year as last.

There were a few, but they were pretty hard to find.  The deals which
I took advantage of were:

1) Chessex was selling the Leading Edge Games figures for "Aliens",
"Dracula" and "Terminator 2" at less than half price, so I picked up
the two Aliens Colonial Marines sets for $12.00 each, and the Alien
Queen and the Armored Personnel Carrier for $15.00 each.

2) Chessex Distribution was selling off a bunch of 25mm figure packs,
15 packs for $5.00.  I found 5 packs of their old "Cybertech Marines"
and filled out the other 10 packs with alien-looking monsters.	They 
were also selling Grenadier 25mm figure packs for $2.00 each.

3) I bought three boxed sets of figures at the auction for $5.00
to $10.00 each.

4) Jon Tuffley was selling pre-production copies of those 4 "bunny
girls with antennae and guns" from some Japanese animated series
(anyone know which one?)  This wasn't a deal as far as prices go
($10.00 for the 4 figures) but it's the first time I've ever had
a pre-production figure of anything!

I didn't like the Starblazers figures because they were awfully
expensive for their size -- $6.95 for a 3-to-4-inch long skinny
spaceship seems like too much to me.  The Traveller patrol cruisers
(about the same size) are a much better deal.

Unfortunately, I missed seeing ANYONE from the mailing list!

Rick Rutherford	    The above opinions are mine.
"It seems to me that the nearer painting approaches sculpture the better
it is, and that sculpture is the worse the nearer it approaches
					     -- Michelangelo

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