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Full Thrust Anime: Mecha/Fighter Options

Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 04:20:37 -0400
Subject: Full Thrust Anime: Mecha/Fighter Options

Mecha/Anime Fighter Options:

Mini-missiles: (+6 to the group's cost) The fighter or mecha group gets
one-shot mini-missile attack which may be used against enemy ships,
fighters or ASM salvos within six inches and within the forward arc.
fighter or mecha rolls a die and inflicts one point of damage on a 4 or
and two points on a 6. Screens are ignored. The group must fire all its
mini-missiles at the same time. The mini-missile attack does NOT count
against fighter or mecha endurance and the fighters or mecha may fire
normally on the same turn without penalty. This may even be done in a
dogfight, the dogfighting fighters or mecha roll for their mini-missile
strikes simultaneously and then proceed to dogfight ordinarily.

Armored Mecha: (+12 to the group's cost) Some mecha are equipped with an
extra external break-away set of armor plates, others are equipped with
shields, others are simply larger and heavier and harder to kill--the
additional protection these mecha have cancels out the +1 that PDAF and
systems ordinarily gain against mecha.

Veteran Pilots: (+6 to the group's cost) Roll first for Aces and
Turkey groups cannot be upgraded to Veterans. Veteran mecha and fighter
squadrons subtract one from all morale rolls. If Veterans are led by an
they subtract two from all morale rolls.

Varimecha (+12 to the group's cost) Variable configuration mecha. Can
back and forth from mecha to fighters. A Varimecha squadron moves at 12"
fighter mode. Varimecha may upgrade to fast speed, but may only move at
in fighter mode. Varimecha must choose their form at the beginning of
turn. All of the varimecha in a squadron must have the same form (either
fighter or mecha), except for Aces which may have a different form from
rest of the squadron. If so, the group's movement (even in fighter mode)
kept at the mecha speed of 8".

Fighters refusing to dogfight mecha: When withdrawing from mecha
to dogfight, fighters suffer 1/2 casualties from the mecha's free
rounded down. This should also apply to fast fighters refusing to
normal or slow fighters (older-model speed 8 fighters, -1 per fighter)
normal fighters refusing to dogfight slow fighters.

Fighter/Mecha Close Assault survival: If a mecha Close Assault should
a ship to explode or the ship is destroyed while a Close Assault is in
progress, roll a die for each fighter or mecha to see if they survive:

	Aces survive automatically.
	Each Veteran mecha or fighter survives on a 4-6.
	Ordinary mecha or fighters survive on a 5-6.
	Turkeys are killed automatically.


	      /|[|]|\	_______  __	//    //
      _ _   /==|[|]|==\(_______)/  \__[__]__[__]__MMMMMMMMM\
     [_|_|\%%===[|]====(_______)|  |===================HHHHHH\
     [_|_| %%===[|]====(_______)|  |=X=X=X==X=X=X======HHHHHHH]
     [_|_| %%==========(_______)\__/ }C=K@	  WWWWWWWWWW/
      Main    Bridge/	   Fuel/      Weapons/	   Scanners/
      Drive   Quarters	Jump Drive  Ship's Boats Spinal Mount

	Battlecruiser INTREPID, CORMORANT-class
	Captain James L. Butler III, Commanding

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