Re: Yamato: Why did I watch it?
From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 00:30:04 -0400
Subject: Re: Yamato: Why did I watch it?
Excerpts from FT: 31-Jul-96 Re: Yamato: Why did I watch.. by "Mark A.
> Actually what I am looking for is a good capital ship conflict
> cartoon. While I am sure that mecha have their place, I want to see
> cruisers and battleships duke it out if lasers and missles while
> frizzy-haired protagonists (with badly drawn noses) speak out of sink
> about the mysteries of life.
> Needless to say, Yamato didn't float my boats (pun intended).
Heh. Not many of those, though -- anime has always loved its mecha.
(I've never quite been sure why, but that certianly hasn't stopped them.
^_- )
Hmm... from what I've seen, Legend of the Galactic Heroes probably is
your best bet here. (Might not be a surprise, since it does get a
mention in More Thrust....) I've seen a synopsys & some screen shots,
and while several of them feature a ship that looks a *heck* of a lot
like the Sulaco, there are other ships out there... one, I think it's a
fighter, looks very odd indeed. I'll try and find the pictures again,
and post the URL.
Other ship-to-ship fights... well, Irresponsible Captain Tylor might
have a few, but again, I haven't seen it, past episode four anyway.
(And while some ships do shoot at each other & blow each other up, that
was... an accident. Not combat.)
Unfortunately, both of the above titles haven't been released
commercially, which means you'll have to find yourself an anime club
that has them.
I'll certainly post if I can come up with more titles.
Aaron Teske