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Re: Yamato: Why did I watch it?

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+@C...>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 18:13:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Yamato: Why did I watch it?

Excerpts from FT: 30-Jul-96 Yamato:  Why did I watch it? by "Mark A.
>After spending 158 minutes 
> of my short life watching this movie I came to a vital revelation:

Obviously, you are not of the True Otaku.

Thankfully, neither am I.  You're right, it does; and I haven't even
watched the whole thing.

>	  My next adventure into Anime will probably be the "Mobile Suit

> Gundam" series (If I can find it on video.).	Before I blow another
> and a half on something that could be terrible, can I get some 
> dime-store reviews.

Be very, very careful with Gundam.  I've only seen Gundam 0083; it was
pretty good, but got rather confusing towards the end... for one thing,
they were making references to stuff that happened in a prior movie, and
also required you to have a bit of knowledge about the Gundamverse in

If you want to go for mecha shows, two that are out there are
"Gunbuster" and "Detonator Orgun"; which one you should watch really
depends on your mood.  If you think you can take one of those
"Everything's trying to destroy the Earth, so let's take some nubile
young females, teach them to use big f*cking mecha, and hope they save
us in spite of their relationship problems," etc, then go for Gunbuster.
 Actually, it's not quite that bad, but you really have to keep in mind
that Gainax's only really serious production was _Wings of Honneamise_
(which is another I'd recommend).  While Gunbuster is Gainax's "let's
see what humans can do if we try" it's a bit... disguised.  Detonator
Orgun is in a similar vein (Earth being threatened) but without all the
nubile young (animated) females with relationship problems.  It's one
that I like a great deal, though not all my friends agree with me.

Anyway, good luck.

		    Aaron Teske 

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