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Re: What do your ships look like?

From: Niko Mikkanen <creator@c...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 05:51:25 +0300
Subject: Re: What do your ships look like?

> for atmospheric entry as well (but it would have the flight
> characteristics of a big rock).
> -- Rick

 The wings of most modern jet planes (and pracically ALL jet fighters) 
are there to keep the ailerons and flaps further away from the body of 
the plane, and give space for weapon-stoage (look at a Hornet or a 
Fishbed. How long do you think they would glide with the engine turned
 It's the engine power that keeps them up there. Of course, streamlining

is a good idea to keep things from ripping off at high speeds (such as 
might be encountered during re-entry).
	I got a good lesson about airplane aerodynamics from a very
very... well-shaped blond in a body-sock, who just happened to be a jet 
engineer... Never believed the blond-jokes after that...

(who hopes his .sig is working already...)

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