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Traveller ship designs

From: a210486@t... (kosta kalogeropoulos 956-6476)
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 09:48:13 -0400
Subject: Traveller ship designs

The following is my attempt at creating some Traveller ships using the
basic FT design philosophy. These ships and their systems are taken
directly from the 'Battle Rider' supplement. As such, I am not 
strictly adhering to FT ship design and have made some general
assumptions in creating the following ships:

1) Gun damage was divided by 2 to determine # of dice to roll.
2) Missile count was divided by 10 for # of missiles available.
3) Defensive shields were divided by 10 to represent level,
   (With maximum value being '3').

All values rounded up where approriate.

BR-Gallant (TL-15)
Meson Gun:   Rng. 10-20-40 (values represent inches, hexes, etc.)
	     Dam. 7d6-5d6-4d6 (# of dice rolled w/ 'A' batt. results)
Lasers(x20): Rng. 10
	     Dam. 1d6 (act as 'C' batt. and used against missiles)
Missiles: 10

Meson Screens-2
Nuclear Dampers-1 (This means: subtract 1 from dam. for each missile)

Drive: 6 (non-FTL)
Damage pts: 24 (same as an FT Battleship)

DD-Lancer (TL-12)
Meson Gun:   Rng. 6-12-24
	     Dam. 5d6-3d6-2d6
Lasers(x10): Rng. 4-8-16
	     Dam. (1d6) all ranges
Missiles: 3

Meson Screens-1

Drive: 2 (FTL ship)
Dam. pts: 7 (same as FT destroyer)

As can be seen, the TL-15 battle rider is not only powerful, but
also quicker when compared w/ the TL-12 destroyer. 

The above samples have not been tested and anyone should feel
free to tinker w/ dam. pts. if they feel the wpns. are too 
powerful. Again, the nice thing about doing these designs is
that they are open to interpretation and what one feels is right
for their given gaming requirements.

Any comments? 


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