Re: Find your dress e-uniform, everyone...
From: Larry Jeselon <ljeselon@c...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 23:46:09 -0400
Subject: Re: Find your dress e-uniform, everyone...
At 11:15 PM 10/07/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Look out for all of the movie and TV references (we've so far counted
a dozen
>movie references)!
Only a dozen? We have gotten up to 18 movies and at least 9 TV shows.
BTW you are right it is one hell of a fun movie.
Larry Jeselon (
Edmonton Gamers Guild (The E.G.G. Heads)
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
"If it doesn't fit force it, If it breaks it needs replacing anyhow."